
Friday, September 7

Staying and/or Being Committed

Short post, but heading out to the Pisgah Monster Cross today around 3:00PM.

I'm riding this and not the By:Stickel Meatplow V.6 Beer Fetcher that I finished piecing together recently:

Side note:  The rear brake pads were pretty worn when I got back from WVA/VA.  While swapping to the lighter wheels/tires, I removed the worn out pads, pushed in the pistons, and installed new pads.  Pulled the bike down a few days later, lever goes to the bars.  Do the cup-style removal of air thing in the sorta dark on the porch... no air.  Lever seemed fine after that tho.  Pull the bike down this morning to load up... lever back down to the bar, fluid on the outside?

Leaky brake or messy cup maneuvers?  Dunno.  Fingers crossed it's okay at work, and then mebbe I continue to head to Pisgah?


There's just no way in hell that I'm coming down that long descent on 477 undrooped, so this is the bike I chose.  That and the great unknown (to me) 1/3 of the course that has earned some infamy from locals who have pre-ridden the route.   Sounding like it's pretty chunk-a-lunka.  I'd rather sacrifice overall speed for not having to change a flat, so big tires over garvel 40s.  That's kinda my MO all the time anyhoo.

As said before, I'm pretty sure I'm only doing this to prove that I can hurt myself on a bike for many hours at a time.  I've done as little prep work as I can to make myself comfortable in the back of the Fit of Rage for a night or two...

Yeth, I'm not sure if I'm sticking around very long after the race or not.  The course is different this year, but previous year's times are under four hours for the winner.  I anticipate mebbe five to six hours for myself.  Who knows?  Anyways, that still means being done around 1:00-2:00PM, so I doubt anyone else is gonna wanna stand around in Smoker's Cove day-drinking all of Eric "PMBAR Honcho" Wever's beer until long after the sun goes down.  The year that Faster Mustache "brought the party" to the finish line was much buenos, but I'm pretty sure I'm the only one chasing down some garvel-related semi-glory from the team.

Also, I might be highly motivated to get my ass back to Charlotte.

My new behk (or at least the parts I'm missing to include a squishy fork and the frame itself) should be in my house sometime tomorrow.  I've been anticipating this moment for about three months now, so the pull to go home and fondle my bits is strong.

So next week, some semblance of a "race" report (if my bike makes it through the day) and then the new behk.

Assuming the entire world doesn't shit its collective bed and/or pants before then.

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