The end of the Winter Shart Tarck Series signals a moment to turn the page. I haven't done a ride with any appreciable saddle time since January 4th, so this past weekend's ninety plus miles were certainly a wake up call to muscles that don't get used much when you're sprinting for thirty-five minutes in circles for five weekends straight. My glutes were taken by surprise with so much sit-down pedaling on the garvel bike. Making my life slightly worse was getting four others to agree to do a long ride spiced up with some underbiking on trails... and my maladjusted chain keeper (or worn-out china ring?) refusing to do its job. So... many... times.
I don't know how to feel about that, but the last time I dropped my chain on Sunday was on the road ride home... so mebbe it's a worn-out chain ring, and also I'm no longer saying "do your job," because I can't get past that age difference. I do not have the energy to even hang out for extended periods of time with a 24 year old. We do share a familiar dislike of sleeves, although he could take some tips from me on their proper removal.
Where was I?
Oh yeth, 2025... the Year of the Dropped Chains.
Lorb willing and the creeks don't rise, I'll be getting plenty of saddle time soon enough. After Watts comes to town for the almost annual but sometimes not Watts Fappening* this Saturday, we're headed... somewhere. The Van with Two Brains (give out take) Tour begins the following morning. Watts told me on the phone the other night what his loose plans are, how it's being affected by the Santos Fat Tire festival (we're going to Florida?), and basically that once again, we're chasing the sun and good times. It feels like yesterday and also a hundred years ago that we were doing this very same thing somewhere north of where I'm sitting here typing. I'm looking forward to days and days of just waking up, spending an hour on coffee and pooping and the van warming up and Walmart parking lots and figuring out where we're going next and backroad rambling and riding in some new places and some familiar with my little (but bigger than I) frand.
I touched the Vassago Optimus Meatplow V.10 Monday night to get it ready. Much sadness as the bike I want to ride more than any other right now had tires that are borderline flat and it was covered in two month old mud. I'm equally bummed and am also excite. I bet Watts still has Vermont dirt on his bike, so...
I've yet to jump this bike over a mountain, and since the mountains in Florida are smole, mebbe this will be a good time to break it in proper.
Obviously (or not), I'll be off the blerhg train for a bit. Thorry not thorry.
* The Watts Fappening details are roughly put together. For those that are looking to join along (and can't find the details on Facebook), we'll be at Lower Left some time before 3:00pm. From there, Monday Night, Petty Thieves, and Birdsong. After that, if you haven't found us by then, you won't. We'll just be selecting places that are kinda on the way back towards my house (which you are not invited to end your evening at).