
Tuesday, September 7

Shenandoah 100 Race Report?

Not so much.

I have a family commitment at 7:00am BEFORE I go to work, and there was just no way in hell I was getting up at 5:00am or earlier to pump out a full report.

Two things of mild interest leading up to the race. While I was putting my bike back together out of the airline case a few days before the race I needed to swap from the Breck 33X20 to a more appropriate gear for the lower mountains of Virginia. Normally I run a 32X19 at the SM100, but looking at my shiny unused in awhile 18T I felt it was time to say "WTF?" I went ahead and mounted up the tallest gear I've ever run in an endurance race thinking that if my time in Breckenridge was working in my favor it would be a great idea, and if I wasn't any more fit than I was three weeks ago I'd be going for a long walk. 33X18. How did it go? Find out tomorrow.


On the way to the race we stopped at the first Subway in Virginia so my travel companions could get their grub on. While they waited in line I sat in the car eating what I had brought in my cooler and listening to Pearl Jam Live.

When they got back out to the car it refused to start. Meh.

We got some local yutes to jump my car, and then we headed towards Stokesville. We were relying on the Garmin as opposed to going the way I (sorta) know, and it took us the back way through rural farm lands, towards a closed bridge, around a detour, and over slow gravel roads... far away from civilization. In the mean time my check engine light came on, then my seatbelt light, and then intermittently every light on the dash took its turn lighting up making me feel like I was driving towards my break down doom. Luckily the car held out to the campground, and when we got there I turned the car off and then tried to start it again. Dead.

So instead of calmly going for a ride the day before the race I ran around borrowing tools and Tomi's CRV and heading into town with Leyonce looking for a battery hoping that was all that was wrong with my vehicular conveyance. When we returned back from our wayward battery gathering we installed the new equipment and were met with much success.

Calm, peaceful day before the big event. I like that.

Victory... oh, and then there was a race the next day.


moe said...

Damn the suspense.......

Big Bikes said...

How did it go?

I don't think "Dicky Deep" is quite THAT deep.

Who you think you are - Missouri Mellor?


Anonymous said...

Dark horses are Rich Dillens (Team Dicky).......

nathan shearer said...

I was hoping to be "Dicky Deep" in Stokesville too. Maybe next year good buddy. Over and out.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see your wife let you come home! T