
Wednesday, October 27

More reasons to avoid SSWC2011


Yesterday I was hoping I would get my third "You're a pussy" comment in three days. While fellow 24 Hour Solo Single Speed World Champion Grig gave me a sympathy "You're a pussy" he made no attempt to back up his assertion. I opened the doors, all he needed to do was walk in.

How about:

"Do you really fjear the grammar police so much that you're gonna start using periods inside of quotation marks in a correct manner? You're a pussy."

"You need as much sleep as a geriatric man. You're a pussy."

"You need a fender to keep your ass dry? You're a huge pussy."

"You write a blog? You're definitely a pussy."

Anything with a little effort would have sufficed. I guess I'm such a pussy I'm not even worth the effort.

This photo was on's website from SSWC2010:

First question: Is that really Jacquie Phelan?

Second question: If that is in fact Jacquie (they did spell her name "Jackie") are the folks at (the mountain bike sister site to aware of the fact that she has holes in her sweatshirt apparently exposing her nipples?

Third question: I have no further questions. Those are her nipples.

My career as a investigative bicycling journalist has begun.

If you weren't paying attention you might have missed the announcement that next year's SSWC will be in Ireland. I have a feeling I won't be going. The amount of money to hop the pond would be enough to fund my making much great bike race in the US and A. As I alluded to yesterday money may be tight in 2011, and worst case scenario I might be hired on as Dejay's thong washer. I'll dream of Ireland, but I'll race a bit closer to home... away from the nipple shirts and sweaty ass cracks.

Tomorrow I'm off to do parental type activities, ride my road bike, and pack for The Gathering. I'll only spend fifteen of those valuable minutes staring at Jacquie's nipples.


Anonymous said...

Only 15 minutes? You are a pussy!


Anonymous said...

Your all Balls Dicky!

Anonymous said...

Good thing Stabby is here to fill your needs.

Anonymous said...

your "have you seen me?" link for djay leads to some jewelry shopping site. fix that shit you vagina!

Spacecowboy11 said...

Searching this internet thing this afternoon and found out that you are blamed for everyone bad.

disepl - a new form of fuel mixing diesel and playdough

Big Bikes said...

If I gouge out my eyeballs with chopsticks now, will I forget everything I've seen in the past fifteen seconds?

This is the second time this week I have had that reaction to photos on this blog.


Anonymous said...

you are a pussy for not posting on thursday. Being a family man is for pussies. Not riding meatplow in the last weeks, pussy. If you need a strap in order for the women to think you are Awesome, you probably have a pussy.

Is that the unsolicited haggling you were looking for?

dicky said...

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Just finished my fifth surgery yesterday on my heart Dicky and you are a Pussy! HTFU. You know who this is and I stll love you pussy. ;;;;)))). Everyone check out the website Thanks.