This will be my fourth Breck Epic. I have been to them all. I don't know if I'll ever be able to stop.
Would you like to join me next year (assuming I continue to muck up the rear of the single speed field in 2013)? You have two chances to do it for free or almost free.
Breck Epic, its facebook self, is having a video contest of its own. The rules are here. To help increase your chances of winning, I will stay out of it.
Your other option costs money, but it's about 99% cheaper than paying full price. Donate $10 to the Colorado High School Cycling League and be entered in a drawing to win a free entry. Blake Harlan has promised me that the money will go towards kids racing bikes and not the rental of his powder blue tux for prom.
As if it needs to be mentioned, Peter is still having issues keeping his bike in one piece even before the events starts.
I've never seen anyone work this hard to have preprepared excuses for poor performance. I should have never invited him to stay at the single speeder frat house. He's going to stink it up with latex and failure.
I've stayed with Peter before, so I'm used to the smell.
I should've had some of the latest straps from Backcountry Research before I left, but a last minute change to the design means that the samples I received yesterday are not for public consumption. The new straps are a result of customer feedback and tweaking things to meet those demands. More information when I get my hands on the newer new straps.
As per my normal MO, blogging operations will be on hold for the duration of my trip. As always, the fickle blog reading public will forget I exist in a matter of days, and it will take months to rebuild things back to the modest levels they were at before I left. This is the price I pay for some happy, computer-free fun in the mountains.
Publish or perish
As you can see it has little to do with money and everything to do with maintaining my ego.
With smart phone in hand and having access to half the single speed field under one roof, I expect facebook and twitter fodder out the wazoo.
So see you in the world of social media, or in a week, or maybe even in person if the real world still exists when I return from Colorado.
used to blog to advance career & financial reward, then for sexual favors, when that failed i turned to sTumblr
Wait... I can advance my career, get money AND receive sexual favors!? Huh, who knew... Have fun Dicky and keep the rubber side down!
an odd to my gear erection
I've been going the whole summer on just two gears (due to laziness and time mostly, no time to repair the gear cable).
I linked up the back der'l with a guarder belt setup (cable) so she holds tight into one gear.
It took some time getting use to the two gears and to build up my cadence. Slowly trucking along like a grandma looking for tea cookies in a brothel.
I got use to it.
But, today the cable broke and down came the chain into the big gears.
I couldn't believe it!
I felt erect again. Like an old man that found that vein that caused pleasure in a young girls heart!
I felt powerful, my azz muscles finally pumping again, like I could outrun the biggest of bears!
It was nice, really nice.
I got into town and saw the strangest of things though, I passed some guy with a t-shirt that said bang-cock!
and, then I passed by some skinny person pulling a fat person on bikes with a rope connected between them. A sign that I might have to go back to two speeds if I don't get my azz in gear.
sometimes yah just need some teeth under your crotch!
I do admire those on single speed for sure, but sometimes it just feels better with a few more teeth biting on it.
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