
Monday, October 12

The Whole Enchilada '20: Preamble

Let me just say, I love me some preamble.  Not only does it allow me to get some solid blerhg fodder, I think the lead up to making great (or not) bike race can be as important as the race itself.

So, why do The Whole Enchilada, a 45-50 mile race (no one bothers to measure the distance before the race, so sorry to all the out of towners that would like a finish line to focus on) that's on the high quality trails at the US National Whitewater Center?

Firstly, The Pie was outta town all week long.  I'd booked daily doggie day care for the dog without special medical needs for the duration.  Monday through Friday because I had to go to that place I call "work," and Saturday and Sunday so I could play in the woods with my friends without having to return to a home that's been ransacked by a separation anxiety panicked doggo.

Secondly, nobody was available or excite about playing in the mountains on bike cycles in the rain this past weekend.  My doggie daycare was prepaid, so use it or lose it.

Thirdly, despite how I might feel about how the USNWC runs their bike races, I wanted to give them another chance.  I like to try and support local (to local'ish) events, and they always keep registration prices reasonable.

Fourthly, this might be my last chance for gas to race mountain bike cycles.  I turded up my chances at the Shenandoah Mountain 100, and I don't want that to be the way the 2020 "season" ends.  I love racing.  It's my drug.  I understand some of yinz don't understand the concept of paying to ride your bikes in the woods.  I don't understand paying for Pandora radio.  I find it amusing that my Mötley Crüe station plays AARP voting assistance and erectile dysfunction ads.   Potato, tomato.

So, why not do The Whole Enchilada?

Firstly, because of COVID, there was going to be no race packet pickup on day of.  That meant that one day during the week, I was gonna have to ride home, get my car, get my dog, drive out to the USNWC, pay $6 to park, and pick up my shit.  Added stress.  Slight added expense.  I'd asked weeks ago if there would be any exceptions, but they said "no."  Best solution was I could get my filled-out waiver to a friend and have them pick it up for me... but only mebbe.

Secondly, the USNWC does not tape off intersections for bike races.  You get arrows and arrows only.  The thing that makes the trails at the USNWC so great is the thing that makes this a terrible idea.  Over fifty miles of trails that you can easily pick and choose to make your own adventure to make great bike ride.  Want a three mile pleasure cruise with your five year old?  Got it.  Want an all day adventure that allows for water stops, adding mileage until you don't wanna ride anymore, and a beer or two afterwards?  This is your place.  That said, it's pretty easy in a race scenario to miss a turn (or take a wrong turn, no tape, remember?)... and when every single trail is used, you're gonna see more arrows straight away confirming that you're going the right way.  I mean, you're still going the "right way," you just went the wrong way to get there.  Shit, last year the lead riders all went off course in the first thirty seconds of the race (kinda funny actually, because I was just behind them and knew where I was going).

Thirdly, the weather was looking like potential pooh.  I feel like a do pretty well in poor conditions.  I'm fueled by other people's misery.  That said, I don't wanna spend hours doing what it takes to dry out bearings and save them from a premature death.

Fourthly, it was going to be a time trial start.  I know it's about as good as it gets in these times, but mebbe it feels less like a race?  Dunno.  Mebbe I give it a try...

But there I was sitting at work on Thursday wondering what else I was gonna do all weekend, the beginning of another nine days off work in a row.  A potentially rainy weekend.

So, I clicked the button.

To be fair, it's not like they charge a sneaky registration processing fee that milks another $6-7 out of you on the back end.  There was also no penalty for waiting until the 11th hour to register, something I totally understand on the promoter's end.  They just don't do it.

So, register, ride home, get in the car, get the doggo, drive out to the USNWC, pay $6 to park, go in to pick up my packet.

They can't find it.

"Is it a problem that I registered this afternoon?"

"Oh, yes.  We don't have your number ready yet.  You'll need to pick it up Saturday morning before the race."

"You mean the thing I asked about weeks ago because coming out after work was gonna be a huge hassle and was told it wasn't an option and now that I've ran around like a maniac and paid $6 to park I just get to handle this before the race?"

"Yeth, El Guapo."

At least they refunded my $6 parking fee, so there's that.

Get home some around 7:00PM and decide that I'll just do all the race prep stuff Friday night (check your sealant, anyone?).  Better to do some deep breathing, dog petting, and beer drinking on the couch.

At least I know what I'm doing Saturday now.


Fletcher said...

Have you tried cbd? For the dog. I'm asking out of curiosity not promotion. I have a very skittish semi wild (for reals) dog animal that I'm considering giving it to to mellow her the fuck out

dicky said...


Not really. He does well when his brother is home, but not so well when he's alone. The day care is close by, and he loves it. Not super expensive (not as expensive as the damage he did last time).