
Friday, September 10

Month of Mayhem V.2 on the front burner

You know what this means:

This information has several ramifications. First of all I will not be building a Tallboy tonight for a shifty/squishy ride tomorrow. With no shifty/squishy bits to play with I find myself leaning this way:

Yes, I'm getting my shit together for the Pisgah Bad Ass race tomorrow.

I mean, why not? I've got all this fitness that I kinda pissed away last week, the family is busy right in the middle of the day anyways, I got a decent chunk of my responsibilities out of the way, and I won't have a new bike built up and ready to dial in till next week. Yeah, maybe if I stayed home and waited for the FedEx guy to show up I could play with the parts Saturday evening and ride Sunday, but whatever. With the chances for rain in Charlotte being what they are I can pretty much guarantee that if I have a new bike to ride every trail in town will see major precipitation. I'll take my time building it and getting it set up right when I get back from Crank the Shield and the big MEAT DICKY DILLEN night at Joyride 150.

According to the pundits on the internets I wil be spending a lot of time messing with my new finicky 10 speed parts, so in order to make room in my busy life for all the major gear adjusting sessions I cleared up some time in my busy schedule.

Although I stopped cutting my hair when I lost interest in racing seriously I realized that it needed to go. I'm spending too much time blow drying and curling it every morning before work, and the money I'm spending on conditioners will now be go towards buying a new 10 speed chain every three weeks since we all know how fragile they are.


Race report on Monday. Month of Mayhem V.2 goes on as originally scheduled.

I will not be carrying a SPOT tracking device, but if you want to follow my progress from home break out your National Geographic Pisgah Ranger District 780 Topo map and use your imagination. Just trace the route with your finger at a rate of speed that would have me crushing the competition.

The Pisgah Badass* Route

Up Black Mtn by ranger station to
Buckhorn Gap to South Mill River
South Mills River to Squirrel Gap
Squirrel to Laurel Creek
Laurel Creek to Bradley Creek
Bradley to S. Mills River
SMR up tough climb (left of bridge) to
Turkey Pen Parking Lot
Unmarked side trail on left (On right
when pulling in by car) back down to
double track
to bridge over SMR (yes you were just
here, this time cross bridge)
SMR to Mullinax
Mullinax to Squirrel
Squirrel to SMR
SMR to Buckhorn Gap
Buckhorn to Black Mtn (go right up stairs)
Black Mtn to Buckwheat Knob
Buckwheat Knob to 477


Peter Keiller said...

i'll give you 1$ for every poster you sign and an additional 2$ for every poster sold...

that's a fair trade deal.
afterall, i was the one that had to trace your dildo and then add lazer beams to make you look slightly awesome...

you pay me.
good day to you.

Leyonce said...

Bill Nye WILL be disappointed.

Chris said...

I see the Empire pack napped the Wingnut.