
Monday, February 18

I could screw up fish sticks

I had this past Friday off because the NBA All Star tournament meant zero parking for regular uptown working folks.  Obviously, I don't personally need a parking spot, but I'll take the day all the same.

I wanted to make the most of this rare blessed opportunity.  Temps in the 60s and sunshine.  Much buenos.  Except...

Thursday night, the dishwasher decided to start leaking.  A failed seal at the bottom of the door.  Try and google the seal part so I could order it... nothing.  Strange.

Wake up on my day off, start tearing into the machine.  I quickly discover that the seal is permanently attached to the inner door panel which happens to be a $107 part.  Meh.  Mebbe I can make take the seal off, clean it up, bend some metal bits, slide it back into place, crimp the metal back down.

I only made it about forty minutes into the job when I accidentally slid my ring finger across the exposed metal edge, and... sliced way deep into it.  Moan, bleed, rinse, observe... probably could use a couple stitches, but I've no desire to spend my time or money on just two loops of thread.  Hours of effort and a trip to the hardware store later, and sadly, my efforts still bore no fruit (aside from the even more broke dishwasher).  Shit.

I'm going riding.

Three times I stopped to move some downed limbs/trees, and three times I banged my finger pretty good.  When I got home, my dressing was soaked in blood again.  Meh.  Shower up, and with the help of The Pie RN, she made me this:

Which saved me some self-imposed pain and anguish and got me through the night. 

I woke up sore, but not finger sore.  Leg sore.  WTF?  I only rode about an hour and a half, so what could make me feel...

Oh yeah.  I spent about three hours hunched down on the floor working on the door (before giving up).  I guess I haven't been used to being in that position so long ever since I stopped playing in sand boxes.  Jeebus, I'm broke. 

My biggest effort on Saturday?  Riding to The Spoke Easy for beers with Bill Nye and friends. 

Woke up Sunday for shart tarck, still sore, still sliced...

but ready to get the series over with.

1 comment:

TJ Morton said...

Ouch! At least you have a Pie RN at home to sort of bandage you back up. Sorry about the dishwasher tho! :-/