
Wednesday, February 6

What now? Part Two

If I did my math correctly, Mobley has first place locked up in the Charlotte Winter Shart Tarck Series.  Deese has the same solid hold on second place.  Me?  I wallow in my own filth.

photo cred: Supercycling
Might explain why they joined me in the woods after our race for refreshments for the first time since the series started.

Mobley trying to figure out if he can give the spoiler guy from JA King who won the 50+ class a negative review on Yelp.

Deese in front of the series beer sponsor banner wearing a different beer sponsor team jersey mebbe drinking neither.

The first two weeks, I was at least able to say that I was the only one in the AARP class that was:

* rigid
* single
* droopy
* sleeveless
* staying the rest of the day and enjoying the fruits of hard labor

Now I can only lay claim to the first four.

I needed to beat Deese in the final three races to move into second.  Two more victories (over him) would put us in a tie assuming nobody finished between us.  Since he managed to finish ahead of me AND have another rider in between us again, the only thing that would help me gain a spot now would be an implosion of either of those guys.

And zero implosions on my part.

Also, I'm pretty sure the way things are rounding out, I just have to not fall completely off the mark to keep third overall.  Basically, I have no motivation to go really, really fast the next two weeks, unless I wanna get on another podium before it's all said and done.

I figure I'll just go and see what's what.  I had a great time with the back-and forth action I had at the week two race with more than a few riders, so mebbe it would be fun to replicate that?  Or mebbe I just have a blast ripping around without a care in the world?  I know the former hurts (a lot) and the latter is most definitely in my wheelhouse.


I will say that the first couple of weeks of intense effort certainly did a little something to give me some snap in my pedal stroke that I could feel on my commutes... right up until I got sick, overdid it, neglected my body's needs. and ended up with a few decent cold sore on Monday (thank you very muchly, compromised immune system).  Regardless of overall performance, visits to a podium or illnesses, I'm getting what I wanted outta the Shart Tarck Series.  A good kick in the dick, some fitness heading into Spring, and a distraction from the same ole same ole.

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