
Tuesday, March 1

I really wanna be... overrated

I meant to post last week.  I swears.

Wilson Creek sucks.

So does DuPont.

So does my inability to take a good, non-blurry photo.

Horses don't suck... but they take giant nasty shits on the trail tho.  I don't.  What gives?  I wonder how horse people (horsienarians?) would feel if they rode up on me evacuating my bowels on the trail?

Anyways, I thought I'd have something to blerhg about, and the works got all gummed up.

Yeth, that's a smart trainer.  No, I didn't buy it.  I used whatever pull I have with the "industry" to borrow this used one indefinitely and also ad infinitum.

My Dick Handler did a great job repackaging the trainer bits with whatever packing material she had on hand.

Left the Z off of ZOMG.

I wouldn't say it's the wrong tool for the job, but I might be the wrong tool for a smart trainer.


Following Tinker on FaceBook pays off in Jumbos.

I couldn't really blerhg about the Elite Direto XR trainer because I didn't have the right freehub body... or more to the point, I bought an NX cassette to go with the stock HG freehub they come with... normally.... but since this one is used and I didn't ask questions, it came with an XD freehub... so it all just sits in the corner for now until I get what I need.

Weather cooperated over this past weekend for at least one day, so I could squeeze in some outdoor bike cycle sporting.

Nick and I were on our per the usual North Mills loop...

Doing what normal people do in Pisgah...

Until we saw an unfamiliar cut up into the woods.

Because just the other day, I was talking to someone about how there's very little exploring to do in Pisgah, Nick and I hiked up what I would consider one of the worst examples of someone cutting an illegal trail in the PNF.  Pathetic moto-looking berms that were just loose duff at the top and essentially non-draining cuts into the sad earth at the bottom.  I "get" what they were trying to do topographically speaking, and I'm sure they think it's "public land,," but come on and also WTF?

We got back early from the Pisgah, and I finally decided to de-prepare my Vertigo Meatplow V.7 for Winter Shart Tarck.

I'd swapped it over for the couple pre-rides I did back around Christmas, and I left it set up that way in case I decided to interlope in at least one race.  So much excite when I found that I'd need to replace the rim tape on both wheels while swapping tires back to bigger meats.  EXCITE!

That's the pile of sealant I pealed off from my Shart Tarck specific tires last year.  So much wasted effort to shed grams for nothing.  I kept it on my bench for three months for... reasons?

I had time to race this past Sunday for $30 worth of shits and giggles, although I figured I'd have some fatigue from Pisgah the day before, but this:

I like racing in nasty conditions to some degree.  Cold, wet, and slickery appeals to me. I think it's in my Ohio blood.  I member saying something along the lines of "I'm fueled by the misery of others" over a decade ago.  That said, not being committed to the whole series, and knowing that a day like this means that less than forty minutes of riding will result in hours of pre-laundry (hosing out clothes in the driveway), laundry, bike cleansing, ass crack shower-nozzling, and then mebbe looking at and sorting out bearings and brake pads and drooper and... ?

No thanks.  Been there.  Done all that.  Most of the trail and dirt roads were covered in a layer of what I can only describe as the top two inches of a jar of organic peanut butter before you stir it.  I went down to see it for myself and cheer on my favorite single speeders and frands and went home once my hands were thoroughly cold and wet.

It rained most of the rest of the chilly day, and it woulda been a great day to have a smart trainer, but...


Soon enough, I guess.

I don't have any regrets missing the series this year.  Being that I've got the Moab Rocks stage race coming up in April, I was probably better off working on my diesel rather than my turbo. 

We'll see.

Hopefully I'll be getting the smart trainer up and running during this La Vida Bachelor week, as I'll either be at work or shuttling that particular good boy back and forth to dog school (I don't think he's learning anything).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
