
Thursday, June 17

Weir exposed!!!!!!!!

Yesterday Luis pointed something interesting out:

"Damn, Weir got a lot of pop from that, doesn't look like there's even a lip. Skills baby."

Now we all know I have ridden with Weir before (albeit for only something like 15 minutes). I know he's got mad skills, but I too was suspicious about the amount of air he was able to get fron such a small lip, one that hardly put any air under my tires at all.

All right, how about an absolute zero of air?

So I stared at the image of Weir for quite some time. I sent a copy of of the image to some old college friends who now work for Youngstown CSI for analysis. They said it had obviously been photo shopped, and they worked diligently through the night on reproducing the original image for me. I did my part by making some phone calls trying to dig up a scoop.

Apparently Mike Kuhn and Ray Adams (TSE promoters) were so desperate for Mark's approval and validation that they did everything they could to please him. Mark had complained that the race thus far had been a poor showcase for his talent, and that at the rate things were going it was going to be very hard for him to feel superior to his fellow riders (or more importantly, they feel inferior to him). They had to do something....

The night before the Mini-XC Stage they came up with a plan. They let Mark know there would be a great photo op for him the next day and that he'd be able to gap the paved road we'd be racing across. They even went so far as to warn the rest of us at the post-supper racers' meeting that only Weir would be able to gap the road (this is true).

Upon Weir's approach to the "gap" Ray and Mike sprayed down a clump of quick dissolving sudsing bubbles that formed into a very temporary, but effective ramp.

"We do the work, so Weir won't have to!!!"

Of course the sudsing ramp only lasted seconds and no other rider got to take advantage of the bubbly kicker. Once the photos hit the internet the great and all powerful Wilderness Trail Bikes leaned on the people of Facebook to replace the images with the doctored ones. Then they contacted Google and had them send a virus to anyone's computer that had posted photos thus destroying the original images.

That explains the cover up in full. If you don't hear from me tomorrow you know what probably happened.

That's all for today. Today is my day, and I'm going to enjoy the rest of it.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Birthday? Well I'm definately wearin' my Dicky jersey toniteto commemorate the day!


Anonymous said...

"Bubbly Kicker" - That must be the new EXTREME. I'm so far from the cutting edge these days....


Anonymous said...

Weren't the bubbly kickers deemed environmentally unfriendly and banned in Europe? If so, should we protest the use of such kickers on American soil by sending Weir hate mail? I am so angry!!!

BTW: Happy Birthday...