
Thursday, October 14

A day not wasted, but a day nonetheless

The Pie came home from yoga kinda late last night. She plopped down in the living room, looked at me, and said:

"Did you enjoy your day off?"

and without much of a pause to hear my reply she followed with:

"Did you happen to bathe?"

Such is my life.

Yesterday I tried to do as little as possible in order to allow my foot/ankle/leg a full day of rest. I did everything I could do around the house from my position on the couch. I paid some bills, refuted a charge on our credit card, mended some clothes, attempted to get some airline miles credited to my account, and finished tidying up some blog stuff (finished updating my sidebar with a 2011 "season", moved some folks around in a couple categories, dropped some non-producing individuals, and updated some logos). Then I moved on to the shit I didn't really wanna do.

On my way to work Tuesday I hit something large and invisible. My front wheel survived intact, but my back wheel went all wobbly and my Flyweight Maxxis tube looked like it had been shot with a .22 caliber rifle. I field trued the wheel with my handy Park Tool SW-7 Triple Spoke Wrench in order to get through my day of work, but the wheel would need proper addressing at some point. A flat spot meant I'd never get it back to perfect, but I tried to get it as close to perfectly round as an egg. One spoke protested a bit too much and popped out in the general direction of my eye forcing me out of my house in search of a 297mm long spoke.

I left Martin the foster Maltese in charge of the tools while I was away.

I headed over to my LBS and Brian kindly put two 298's in my hand. Why did I ever bother building up a set of wheels with J-bend bladed spokes and alloy nipples? Must have been the marketing... "fast, light, PITA to work on." Anyways, I got caught up in a conversation after I was rung up and stood on my angry foot/leg/ankle for at least another half hour I wasn't expecting. Meh.

Once I got home I got the wheel to manage to stay between the brake pads without knocking them hilly nilly, and that's good enough. Martin had done a fine job securing my tools, so I didn't mind so much when he shit on the floor while The Pie was at yoga forcing me to break out the steam cleaner since he nervously spread his business all around the living room. He's sooooo cute when he's shitting.

The rest of my day I spent upgraded to the Obama Health Care Plan sized ice pack.

Today I feel better, but slightly. I'm over this, not in the physical sense by any means, but as far as not really wanting to deal with it any longer. Another perfectly beautiful day outside spent inside and not riding. I imagine this is what normal people who don't ride bikes do....

How do they do it?


Anonymous said...

The Single Speed Arizona sparked my interest, but after checking it out, it does not look like my kind of ride.

TheMutt said...

"He's sooooo cute when he's shitting."

Quote of the day.

Anonymous said...

Haha! The Pie sounds like a perfect mate for you...even making sure you bathe! Hope the ankle gets better quickly.

Anonymous said...

Bite the bullet; get an x-ray for Pete's sake!

Surely you can arrange a temporary sponsor's deal with Carolinas Health Care. Better yet, get Carolinas, UNC Health Care and Presbyterian in a bidding war for your shill services. Now that you're off the hard-core Dicky training regime, you're seriously suspect for lots of upcoming medical needs...

(Heal up soon!)


Eric Wever / Pisgah Productions said...

That PMBAR date will be 4/30/10. The Saturday of the weekend before Mother's Day weekend.

dicky said...


Anonymous said...

SS Arizona: Not at all what i thought it was.

Emily said...

tell Eric to get that USFS permit rewritten for 4/30/11.