
Monday, October 11

It's not called "Bad Idea" for nothing (plus a ride video)

The decision to ride the Superbeast last Thursday is turning out to be quite regrettable. I woke up with a very swollen ankle that morning, but I hadn't felt much in the way of pain since Monday. I was able to stand on one leg (yes, the injured one) and walk without a limp, so I really felt like I was good to go for a ride.

Friday I felt fine. Saturday around 4:00am I woke up with a twinge of pain that kept me awake off and on till I got out of bed. Saturday night was worse, and last night was certainly interesting, what with the not sleeping solidly for more than fifteen minutes in a row and such. Maybe The Pie was right, and it wasn't such a good idea to soak my leg in a bucket of ice off and on last night.

So I did not ride all weekend. I'm not so sure that was the best thing either. Riding at work and soft pedaling around doing deliveries seemed to be somewhat therapeutic last week. For the past two days I tried to stay close to the house and be productive, but I did get out for two long walks which I think were actually a bad idea since walking irritates my ankle five times more than riding. Working on my bikes did not increase my pain levels, so I did as much of that as I could.

Having the right tool for the job always makes bike maintenance less painful, and the Park PH-25 P-Handled T25 Torx Wrench that I recently acquired made rotor bolt installation a snap. My Industry Nine race wheels are now shod with new rims and fresh rubber awaiting the start of next season. Jumping the gun a wee bit?

I think not.

"Productive use of my time," I say?

Why yes, I woke up Sunday and finished editing the footage I had from the ride at Wilson's Creek that injured my ankle and stole my early October ride mojo. I re-used the David Lee Roth track I used in my most awesome hopping penis video, but I had always intended to use it for a ride video, so if you don't like it go piss yourself. The video was not everything I had hoped for, but considering the fact that I rode 25.5of the 27 miles on my gimpy ass lame appendage it's not bad. I would say it's a fair 3:30 representation of how we spent the day in the woods.

Tomorrow I will unveil my incentive plan for those of you that are interested in entering the Trans-Sylvania Epic Stage Race. Also I am going to avoid talking about my ankle.

You're welcome.


zod said...

The best part was the vid. Not b/c of your vid but b/c thru it I found this vid

Blair said...

I love your psychedelic stinkhole, Dicky.

WV: munki - "Sincerely, your love munki"

Emily said...

I compliment the director's choice of soundtrack but unsure of the rainbow-fading segment. Still, I think I like it better than the hopping penis video, which I still haven't watched because it is called "the hopping penis video"

Unknown said...

Great vid..................much better than the hopping penis vid