
Monday, October 18

Things to do in Charlotte when you're not dead yet

I figured I should stay off my...

Well since I can't mention "it" again (I promised) I decided to take one more weekend off the bike for medical reasons. This left me with a lot of free time I wasn't expecting. Since I received a box full of the new Awesome Straps on Thursday I spent some time playing with them over the weekend. I had a lot of free time so I decided to start working on an informative post all about what's newer and awesomer, but it's pretty involved and thorough. It's nowhere near done yet, but you'll see it tomorrow for sure. Here's a small taste of what's in store?

How easy is it to put on the new Awesome Strap? When you watch the installation video on the Backcountry Research website our "instructor" goes very slow in order to keep us informed while he's strapping everything together. This is very tedious work, and unless you're explaining it to another unknowledgeable rider you'll be putting yours on much faster. How much faster?

Now, I was hardly moving at lightning fast speeds, and I'm just getting familiar with using the new stuff, but I think 17 seconds is pretty good.


I did not spend the whole weekend playing with straps and making informative videos (just most of it). On Saturday I joined The Pie and Fajita on a trip to the Lazy 5 Ranch just up the highway in nearby Mooresville, NC. For a nominal fee you can hop on a horse drawn wagon and see all kinds of exotic animals that will drool all over your city folk clothes.

The Pie felt bad for this guy knowing what it's like being in the hoosegow, so she hooked him up with his favorite cancer sticks.

Perhaps he was in the pokey for marketing cigarettes to children. Perhaps it for indecent exposure...

Exhibit A: exposed camel toe.

Not to be confused with Peter's dance pants camel toe.

Tobacco addiction runs rampant at the Lazy 5 Ranch. This guy had obviously been a victim of years of smokeless tobacco use.

This made me want to be a better man...

If not "better" perhaps just better dressed, more flamboyant and care free.

I was not aware that there would be sea life at the ranch. While I never got a clear look at it in its full glory I did see a glimpse of a whale tail on the wagon ride.

And finally I got a chance to see the Brahma bull that ate Katarina Nash.

Tomorrow an extensive and exhaustive post about the new Awesome Straps.

I can taste the anticipation.


Moe said...

LOL! Awesome animal safari.

Anonymous said...

Rich- careful, the manicism is taking control. Do some sit-ups or something.