
Friday, August 9

High ate us

So, yeah.

Leaving for the Breck Epic tomorrow.  My bike is already there.  As per my (not) instructions, it is already built.

So that was a surprise... a misunderstanding as it were.  I wonder how much that's gonna cost me.  I'll still give it the once over and route the front brake line the way I do it, not the way the rest of the world does it apparently.  At least I know it's there.

The Pie also comes home today after a four day trip to visit The Boy, which means the house must be put in order.  No more leaving things on the counter, not making the bed, and I had to run to the hardware store on the way home to replace the broken plunger.

It's a good thing she's coming home.  I almost burnt the house down while making pop corn last night.  I need superdupervision.

About yesterday's post...
I understand that Jeremiah Bisquick did not play by the rules, fill out the forms, and whatnot.  That's USA Cyling's reasoning behind his not being selected.


If you have 45 minutes today, listen to Drew Edsall's "The Dirt" show from last night.   Scott Tedro calls in about halfway through.  When he talks, I listen.  His perspective is always interesting, to say the least.  He doesn't pull any punches when it's time to discuss the manner in which USA Cycling treats mountain biking.  Go listen... and anxiously wait until he drops more bombs in the future.

See you in a week.

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