
Friday, August 21

Push it off until next week

Wednesday morning, my fitness be like:

It peeked out from under the duvet of fatigue for just a moment.  A sprint towards a changing light, one that I would have normally pulled back on.  Made it with time to spare.  It hurt tho.  I still felt it, but I could finally feel some sort of benefit from racing 200+ miles and climbing 40,000 feet at altitude.

Probably just all the popcorn I've been eating.

Thursday, I woke up at 5:30AM for an early smash-and-grab junk miles session.  First one since before I left for Breck Epic.

Did you know the sun doesn't come out until @7:00AM now?


Anyways, felt like slight pooh.  Empty pooh.  Eggs, veggies and Sierra Nevada the night before was not enough to fuel the fire.  This is where a coach would be handy.  Or logic.

Last night's Dirty Easy Ride turned into a fail bail on my part, and a random sighting of Bill Nye on the way home became stop for a beer at The Spoke Easy, which became two, and then three, and then a rain storm...

and four.

I think I'll start being more of an "athlete" next week.

And now, your Wadsworthless Moment of Zen

Late edit:  Bill Nye had an interesting ride home last night...

Bill Nye the Self-Stitching Guy

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