
Monday, August 3


My bike made it out West.

I continue to linger here at 700 feet above sea level.  At least my bike will be acclimated.

What have I done to get ready?

Other than go on yet another ride from my house to ride trails and ride home... and end up destroyed?

I rode almost as much "non-trail" as I did actual trail with Zac and Drew from Industry Nine.  Bushwhacking, power lines, illegal ATV trails... finally finding some of the old trails at Crown Point that we used to ride... back in the '90s?  I rode way more paved surfaces throughout the course of the day.  Enough road on a 32X20 gear that I'd rather not know how much it was.

Anyways, six hours out of the house and one of these:

Wood screw.  I carried it around unknowingly for awhile, ignoring the "tick, tick, tick, tick" as I kept going with it stuck in a knob.  Fifteen minutes from my house, flat change in the swampy jungle along the greenway.  At least there weren't any hobos around to attack me while I was vulnerable.

Woke up at 131lbs+ that morning and came home to 126.5lbs... and then ate/drank my way back up to 132lbs.  Victory.  I feel like such an athlete when I drink chocolate milk.

I spent Sunday trying to convince myself to not ride even though I wanted to.  I found other things to do.

Yes, I drilled two holes in my chain tool to tighten up my kit because... burrito. And boredom.  Did I mention that I don't think I have catastrophically broken a chain on my single speed... ever?  Since 2004?  Still carrying a chain tool and spare link.  Of course, because... burrito.  A forced rest after a lot of time on the bike lately.  All I wanted to do was ride the Misfit which I finally set up in a more friendly manner for greenway crushing and bum trail exploration, and I had to let it sit in the corner.

Moderation.  Not my strong suit.  At all.

I'm pretty much packed... for my Saturday exodus.  Which is stupid early, I admit.  Who cares?

Breck Epic bound.  I am excite.


Unknown said...

Rich - I'm a SSer from FoCo, CO coming to Raleigh to visit in-laws. Can you recommend a bike store that actually rents SSs and assuming I find one, which trail to hit if I only have a day.
Beet Juice

dicky said...

Raleigh? No idea. Down in Greensboro, Watts at Revolution Cycles NC might be able to help.

Yours in a beet juice manner,


Anonymous said...

good luck man!

hobbits in the woods, reminds me of biking the carrbean. I was biking on one of the islands and these two dudes came out of the deep woods as I was climbing up a steep 25%'r they came out and started asking questions. This island holds the last remaining carib tribe, which were known as head hunters.
One of them pinched my calf and said "you got big calves"... they then asked me if I wanted to go back to their hut to eat . Like hell...

so, becareful of head hunters.

really though, someone should host a race on the carribean islands. Fantastic they are. It would have to be a raunchy road race as there is no single track. Amazing views though...

Anonymous said...

Why do you weigh the same as me, a 5'3" woman. I'm not sure which of is should be embarrassed.