
Friday, March 16

No TSE? Que?

Well, the offical word is out.  The Trans-Sylvania Epic is not happening in 2018.

I may have not finished every single one (it's the only stage race I've quit after being injured), but I've never missed the event from year one.  They're not saying it's over for good, but they are looking for some input from veterans and prospective future racers.  Please fill out this survey and let them know what you'd like to see in a 2019 edition of the race. 

PLEASE DO THAT THING.  It's just seven questions.


I'm currently not registered for any stage races in 2018.  I've not gone an entire year without doing at least one since my first La Ruta in 2004.  Fourteen years of multi-day events and now none.  What's strange is that last year, I didn't do any hundies.  Now no stage races.  What's next?

Am I ded?

Although I did say that I was cutting back on racing for this year, not doing the TSE makes doing the Pisgah Enduro™ much easier.

It's been the weekend after TSE for the last few years, and the one year that I did do it, I felt like I was going to die.   Too much, too soon.  Granted, I also did the Pisgah 111k AND the 55.5k back-to-back the weekend before TSE that year.  It was just too much effort for a man my age who treats himself the way that I do.

Last year, the 111k was just something like four days before the start of the TSE.  I came into the 111k feeling like I was on fire and came into TSE like a smoldering ember.  Going into five days of racing not recovered is a good way to end up riding around with friends and drinking beer at aid stations tho.

Which was pretty much the most fun I've ever had at a stage race... like ever.

So it is with a sad heart that I share this news, but my time off from work just opened up a bit, so mebbe I find something bike-related to do with all this spare time.

Or mebbe I go on a tour of wine country with Bill Nye?

Mebbe.  I hate wine tho.

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