
Monday, July 23

Praise be.

Talking about anything bike cycle related today would be dumb.  Although some have said I don't write about family and normal life stuff enough, this is in the most general of terms, a "bike blerhg."

But today...

Yesterday morning, my son and daughter in law welcomed Baby Neal into the world.  He was a little late in making an entrance, but we can talk to him about his punctuality when he gets older.

Obvs, this makes me a grand... person?  No idea what my official title will be.  I think that stuff just works itself out.

I'll be heading up at the end of the week to see him for myself.  The Pie was up there for five or so days around his due date, and then made a last minute scramble to be there for the birth this past weekend.  I was only tasked with the duty of keeping a couple senior dogs with "issues" alive until she got home.  So that was pretty much my only role in the whole thing thus far.

Anyways, looking forward to seeing him soon.  I'll have a longish guest blerhg up tomorrow (I think) and then mebbe a couple more before scooting outta town.


Natalia said...

Happy Grandpa Day Rich!

Derron Tanner said...

Congratulation Grandpa Dicky!

Anonymous said...

I think it should be Grandickpa.
Nice job with the dogs.

10EC said...

*mummy pic*

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations. All family issues aside, question: want an external dropper for my Jones. Any recommendations?? (From anybody really). Cheers. See you in Bend. Matt

S Sprague said...

Congrats G-Pa!

dicky said...

I'm really digging my Fox Transfer. The Thomson was great, but I wanted the extra droop. Id' take 170 if I could get it.

That said, I think the Jones is 27.2(?), so that said, Thomson.

Anonymous said...

Advocat sez:

Congratulations "Dicky-daddy"! Nice to chat with ya for a while.

glen said...

congrats grandpa dicky!

graveldoc said...

Congratulations and welcome to the club!