
Monday, August 28

Horny Warny

I'll get to my/our Mild Mild West Tour '23 once I knock out some Horny Cat 69 business first.  The party donation period ends next Sunday, and I'm getting excite.  So excite...

FWIW: The Park Tool TSI-1 sealant injector can inject tubeless goop into your tires from up to ten feet away, depending on your accuracy.

There's really not much Horny Cat updating to do, but here goes nothing.

* About half of the spots are still remaining.  I doubt it will fill, but please realize you're taking your chances if you really wanna do this, but you're just sitting on your thumbs till next Sunday.

* Dr Mike and I went and looked at some of the spots of "concern" yesterday, and I can assure you that what was overgrown is still overgrown.  The dilapidated bridges are still there, and more than likely will survive at least until the end of September.  I'm gonna be a busy boy for the next two weeks, so that's that.

* I'll make sure there's lots of beer.  There will be some of those bubble drink waters.  Even a few N/A beers.  I'll buy some soda pops because some people are better at life decisions than I am.  Pizzas will be various and room temperature when you finish.  There will be no pumpkin beer.  I repeat.  There will be no pumpkin beer.

* The pre-ride email is written and loaded into the word cannon.  It will be fired off on September 6th to everyone that donated to the party.  It's more wordy than your average prenuptial agreement, but it does have pictures, so FUN.

* I have more prizes than I know what to do with.  Seriously.  I have no idea how to distribute them fairly.  I don't want sweaty people trying on gloves and jerseys in my yard, but I want everyone to be happy.  I've considered just throwing them up in the air all at once and letting yinz/y'all finger it out.

* Speaking of which, I still need to treat my lawn with something that mosquitoes don't like.  I'll have some DEET crap if you need it.  

* The Pie is vacating the premises with Boppit for the weekend.  The house will be open'esque.  If you're the type that lives in a barn and leaves my backdoor open, you will be publicly chastised.  My house is small and smells like dog farts, so you're probably going to want to stay outside anyways.

* This is a bike ride.  There are no rules.  You'll get the whole route in the email, but you can ride what you like.  Everyone will be treated like a champion of doing a thing.  Only a select few will do the whole thing. 

* I'll have my hose turned on for the washing of bikes, dousing of heads and limbs, and for those folks that want to test their resistance to meningitis.

Meningitis Magpie says "EAT MOOR GREPS."

If you have any questions, the blerhg comments are a terrible place for them.  Post up in the FaceBook comments on this link or on the event page... or... *sigh*... email me.  Good lorb, I don't wanna answer the same dumb question a million times.  Don't say "there are no dumb questions," because we all know that's a bunch of happy horse shit.

Please, please, please use the event page tho.

And if you wanna know anything up front without clicking a bunch of links, you can always just shoot me an email (you shouldn't).  Otherwise, if you just want in, hit me at SMELLYCAT100K at hotmail dot com, and I'll shoot you back my VENMO deets for the $10 payment.

One more warning at the end of this week, kids.  Then all systems are go and this shit ship will not be turned around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I donated to this party, been trying to decide how much I need to pre-drink before the takeoff. I only plan on riding 68 miles, but I plan on having 69 smiles.