
Friday, April 24

Blogcott Day Five

For more info on the blogcott see here.

The "I'm gonna do my best to keep this random photo and succinct commentary to fifty words or less (minus the title) in order to appease the screaming masses" post:

This is Jon Cariveau*, my point of contact at MOOTS:

Photo cred: Jimmy

He travels all over the country to events and bike shops in the name of all things MOOTS. If you see him out and about please go up to him and say "Build the MOOTScheese Sandwich 36'er and make Dicky's dreams come true".

*Or is it?


Bubba said...

please return to your normal sarcastic obsessed with bike parts self ASAP. I am bored with this blocott shit.

Bleh said...

Bubba sounds phureeous.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a pic from NAHBS. I have a few pics of the 36'er that was there.

Please return to the regular scheduled program.

I might have to find something new to read every morning at work. :-(

Anonymous said...

I saw that guy at the NAHBS. I can see why he's your contact. You've got the "Bald Brotherhood" thing going on.

Anonymous said...

Ok ok, we get the point. Enough with the blogcott...seriously.

ridn29s said...

Well, it took you five days to really catch on to this format but you've got it down now. Thankfully the blogcot only lasts five days.

cool is the rule, but sometimes bad is bad....

jkeiffer said...

As inane as your regular postings are, for whatever deranged reason we like to read them. The blogcot was a funny idea, but it does suck. If you are board of blogging, just stop instead of irritating the masses of losers like me who read your stupid posts.

Jason said...

I wish I understood the boycott. Good luck with it, I guess. IF you want to let J.Q. Pubic dicktate you blog. ;). J/K. I put my faith in you and your blogging. Do what needs to be done.

Why is it every time I read your blog I leave wondering if I could sell my son into white slavery to buy a Moots?

dicky said...


You can always have more children.

The blogcott is over folks.

Guitar Ted said...

The blogcott is over? Crap! I was saving tons of time not having to read this site everyday. I could come in and read five posts in five minutes or less. It was awesome! I can't understand why folks didn't see that you were truly doing all of us a favor by saving us precious time so we could maybe, possibly.....ride bicycles!

Oh well, on with the Viking referances, fjear, and loathing of gears.....

See ya bright and early on Monday!

Anonymous said...

Having more children can simulate bike riding thigh burn if you get into the correct position. But this should not be used as a training substitute.

Jason said...

Ha, NO I CAN'T the Doc took sharp tool to my nuggets! So, now white slavery for Moots, and no more kids. Drat! HA!